Monday, September 13, 2021


Speaker terbaru dari kami Jcmaudio Tangerang bisa langsung dilihat spek nya ada dibawah ini

yang berminat dengan speaker ini bisa langsung menghubungi saya Jhony Marbun 081374300788 atau 081213649647 dan bisa juga langsung menonton hasil suaranya dibawah ini

Thursday, April 8, 2021


Terima kasih kami ucapkan untuk Majelis Dzikir Assamawat Al-maliki yang ada di wilayah Tangerang yang sudah mempercayakan kami dari team Jcmaudio Tangerang untuk pengadaan sound system tahap 1 di area majelis dzikir assamawat Almaliki tangerang ,adapun spek yang kami berikan antara lain

1. Speaker 10 inch 

2. Speaker 15 inch

3. power menggunakan Ashley MTX4-1100 sebanyak 3 pcs

yang berminat dengan pengadaan sound system bisa langsung menghubungi saya 081374300788 dengan Jhony Marbun

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Simple full analog sound system package

 hello audio lovers, welcome back with me jonny marbun channelArticles on audio and review of audio sounds  especially on ASHLEY brand . 

Well here I want to make one content about Simple full analog sound system package That are heavily demanded by subricber so here I will explain it complate with routing system and also the price please stay tune don't forget to subricbe and press the bell to get a new notifications from me. 

well for the step here I prepare mixer ashley king 12note with Spesification is this mixer really recommended because have vocal effect very wonderful well for the next here also I am prepare for all of you equalizer from ashley with series Mq30 alright for routing sytem from equalizer to mixer we use master output l to  input 1 in equalizer and output R from mixer to input equalizer then here also I prepare krodofer from ashley with series cx 3400 with speck 3 right and left the meaning is 3way streo or mono like this picture. 

So the track here  from  output equalizer 1 enter to input 1 in krosofer then  from output 2enter to input 2 in crosofer.  Then for the next step here also I am prepare  ashley cx 3400 specially for subwoofer here there is 2crosofer one for subwoofer and the others one to low Midnite so the track from mixer  ashley cx3400 sub please notice we take from aux 1  from mixer enter to input one in ashley cx3400 sub and aux 2 from mixer enter to 2in ashley cx 3400 for sub . Well the next step here I prepare the speaker that we will use for covering the area that you want here I make the system 4way with speaker 18 inch single 2right and 2left  , 15ich single 2right and 2left and 10 ich plus with Twitter  4boxes 2right and two left so the totally for four way system that we will  use in this content . 

So for covering this speaker here I am prepare ashley power tdx 2.0 this one special for subwoofer covering  , 18 inch single 2right and left  with series tdx2. 0 so here the track from  low output we can settings with subwoofer here from output 1 to input 1&2 in power , so the track to subwoofer  we can prepare the cable  so you must prepare the cable with the size 2*15ml from output 1 to l and output 2to R  so for the next here  I am prepare power to midlow here I am prepare ashley mtx 4  1100 have 4channel guys.  So here the output from ashley cx 3400 to input power in mtx 1100 then from cable power here also I am prepare the cable to low with size 15inch one right and one left  the the track from crosofer ashley cx 3400 we can take from middle lead up to power input 3&4 can entering to ashley mtx 4 1100 Then here the cable prepared for a 10inch special for the mid cable here for the middle cable could also use a 2.5-ml cable. So this is where I set up power ASHLEY MTX 4 1100 to 10inch Here I am also prepared power and all I use is ASHLEY PLP 300 So here's a output of crosofer ASHLEY cx 3400 taken from the high line to power ASHLEY PLP 300 like this picture guys Now here I am installing a twitter cable taken from power PLP 300 to twitter well guys All about this content already clear  all about  Simple full analog sound system package so here   I already explain also about the track  this one I recommended to use for a single organ for the middle class is good so this is outside of the monitor you want to use if you want a live showSo later on if any additional monitors remain active or passive So all I've laid out may it be beneficial for you to build a sound system with full analog  if you want you can content me on 0813 74300788  so the system like this picture this is full analog  we the price 58.000.000  this price include with cable, jack and for monitor you just replenish  the monitor 

Well guys thank for watchingAlways succeed wherever it is thank you for being here on this channel and for always faithfully watching the videos on jonny marbun channel  well guys that's all for today and see you on the next video bye

10,000 watt racing sound system package

Hello audio lovers welcome back to my youtube channel The active continues to create content on audio sounds system  from ashley brand, thankyou for always support me  and always faithful on my youtube channel . 
Again I make a content  about 10.00 watt racing sound system package Who is currently boming  spesially on java area and other areas  but before it don't forget to subscribe, and press the bell to get a new notifications from me  please stay tune. 
Well for the step here I am prepare ashley mixer with series f 16 that have 16chanel  and 8output  and for next here also I prepare management from ashley with series lms 4080  for the covering later  the speaker  well for the track from mixer to management here  I make a routing  from output 7to  input  c lead up to output 8 to input a in management then for the next from aux 1 in management to input c  and  output 2from mixer  lead up to input d in management  that's way I make 4input  so the subwoofer can we We can split it with low high  well for 10.00 watt racing sound system package here I prepare  speaker subwoofer from ashley b 30  as much 4boxes  and also t2n as much as 2boxes like this picture .or we can itu Ashley zomm 218  . Here also I prepare speaker from ashley  with a series 230 AS much as 4boxes and also t24n as much as 2boxes  alright like this one guys, so the sub from ashley zoom 218 and b 30 and in the top  for mid high we use ashley t 24n . You see the speck  that available  
Well guys here I will prepare the power  for covering subwoofer4boxes as much as 2unit namely  power with series ashley tdx 2.0 like this one guys , so here the track from management  this is from aux 1 and output 2respective  to power tdx 2.0  so the source from management is from aux 1 and out 2 from mixer you see the line speaker cable  from power tdx 2.0 to cable speaker the size is 4*2.5ml  so if So if it works for a subwoofer speakers, it's a minimum of 2.5ml So it's like this It's 4*25 for one power. So for the management feed from output 1sub to power TDX 30hz lr24 The cut was up to 78 hz lr24, so the line was taken from source c and d at management  guysI've explained here and put out my next image from output 3&4 here as well as I set up a power ASHLEY TDX 1.8as many as 2units for covering ASHLEY b30 speakers. B 30 there are 30 boxes of this size 2*15 per box means, I make a power of 2 units like this guys From output 3 &4from management comes to power 1&2 in TDX 1.8 and then directly covered by a 4*2.5ml speaker cable just like this friends I sell 1 power for 2 boxes for 4 ohms per box for a management set for a b30 out here and I release from output 3low and output 4low from management This is a sourcenya from input and b so you direct a sourcenya from management of the a&b input Then, to cross point, here is also I prepared 84hz LLR 24 to 200hz llr24guys This is the same as output 3&4 cross point 84hz llr24 to 200hz llr24 For the next one here, I have prepared a power from ASHLEY forete 2.0 to cover ashleyt24n speakers, why I gave the forte 2.2, because speaker t24n needed a big watt In order to produce the high SPL I have prepared here with a series of ASHLEY forte 2.2 one unitNow here the router is for management output 5then source output 5ini from the a &b management input and the output 5to ASHLEY forte 2.2 like this and for a 2-4, 5 ml cable For 2box ASHLEY t24n good for ASHLEY t24n for setting up at this management output 5 for mid high's cross point between 200 and 12 km to the llr24 guys. All right. this is finished. I'll make it clear to cross point, management to 10.00 watt racing sound system package if you stay as a driver in the field, whether you are able to become a winner you are the determinant, even though this is a very good spec it all depends on you you are the driver to drive everything to be the winner. Well guys everything already I explain about 10.00 watt racing sound system package  and all the speck same like this picture include with cable and all of that on this picture FOR SALE at a price 168.500.000 you have been get one system with 10.000 watt  you just on  you can racing class and will be the winner what ever you doing the competition Okay friends, thank you for following my videos, don't forget those who haven't subscribed please subscribe, like and comment and also forget to turn on the bell to get the New videos from me please staytune to get a more interesting video  and audio greetings for all my friends and see you on next video byee

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Jika anda menggunakan sound system profesional anda berdaya watt besar tentunya tidak terlepas dari panel listrik supaya pembagian listriknya dapat terkontrol dengan baik berikut ini saya tawarkan kepada anda Master Panel 3 phase dengan daya 64A x 3 atau setara dengan 14,000 x 3 = 42,000 watt seperti dibawah ini

yang berminat dengan hardcase panel 3 phase bisa menghubungi saya langsung wa 081374300788

bisa juga melihat video nya dibawah ini

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

cara settingan dan install software LMS Ashley LMS 4080

selamat bertemu lagi dengan saya Jhony marbun ,berikut ini saya posting tentang cara menggunakan managemen ashley LMS 4080 dengan tuntas bagi anda yang sudah membeli unitnya silahkan langsung buka kemasan nya dan langsung install di komputer anda seperti dibawah ini

1. CD Software dari LMS Ashley LMS 4080
nah disitu ada 3 folder antara lain driver ,manual dan software ,lalu tahap pertama buka folder driver dan buka langsung file nya seperti gambar dibawah ini
lalu setelah itu pindah ke foldel sofware untuk menginstall softwarenya ,buka foldelnya lalu masuk lagi folder ASHLEY LMS RCS lalu klik setup

setelah semua sudah ter install lalu buka softwarenya seperti ini tampilannya
untuk tampilan delay
untuk tampilan VU Meter
untuk tampilan GEQ A,B,C,D
untuk tampilan input A,B,C,D
untuk tampilan out 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
untuk tampilan global view
ok setelah semua sudah bisa dioperasikan tergantung dengan jumlah speaker atau jumlah pemisahaan freq antara sub ,low ,mid dan high ,anda bisa mengatur LPF dan HPF nya ,untuk secara detailnya anda bisa langsung menonton video saya cara penggunaan nya dibawah ini

baik rekan rekan sekalian yang masih belum jelas bisa bertanya di kolom komentar ya atau bisa langsung menghubungi saya via WA 081374300788

Box custom speaker

Untuk mendapatkan suara yang dihasilkan oleh sound system yang anda rancang tentu box speaker berperan penting didalamnya supaya kita bisa mendapatkan clarity dan SPL yang tinggi dari komponen speaker tsb ,tentu emang componen berperan penting tp box speaker adalah penentu akhirnya ,jadi pastikan anda lebih teliti dalam menentukan box speaker ,disini saya menawarkan beberapa box speaker yang layak anda gunakan untuk sound system Profesional

1. Cubo design
2. Double Cubo Design
Double Cubo
3. side fill 215
Side Fill 215
4. Semi array 210
semi array 210
5. Box Line array
Box Line Array

jika anda pengen menonton tutorial tentang pengukuran box costum bisa langsung klik dibawah ini

dan disini juga saya siapkan video tentang perakitan box custom dari jcm audio